Wednesday 13 July brought a sunny morning with
lighter NW winds F2/3. I was pleased about the lighter winds as for
the first 10-12nm we had to carefully navigate very shallow waters
where at times we might only have 0.5-2.0m below the keel. The chart
showed that most of the time the channel was well buoyed but there
were areas where you had to choose where to cross from one marked
channel to another. We slipped our mooring at 0800 and after a mile
in deep water, having passed an E cardinal Andrea spent some time
searching with the binoculars for a W cardinal which we needed to leave
on our starboard side and then the first starboard channel marker
which was off the very small island of Nyord. These buoys often take
some spotting as they are not very tall and are easily lost against
the background if there is land behind them. We gradually worked our
way along the various channels, which at times narrowed to no more
than 10m wide as we passed between port and starboard buoys and the
odd cardinal. Gradually though there were a number of other boats
using the channel and this is helpful as you get more of an idea how
it meanders across the sea. But you do have to keep on your toes so
as not to be misled into missing a buoy and cutting a corner with
unsatisfactory consequences! We had been planning to head for Rodvig
but en route we decided to divert into a fjord where the harbour for
the town of
was at the southern edge. This again
required us to resume channel watch, the last 3nm including entering
the Fjord being through shallow waters.
Praesto turned out to be a good choice. A small
town with a street of shops, choice of supermarkets and plenty of
bars and cafes. Nice to walk around, also to stretch our legs into
the adjoining countryside. The following day we were on our bikes on
a “panoramic route” (cycleway 454) of 30km. This took us on a
loop through the countryside to the east and south of Paesto mainly
on country lanes with little or no traffic. At times we looked across
the sea to the channel that we had passed through and en route we did
go to the tiny village of Stavreby said to have one of the country's
smallest fishing harbours.
Straveby harbour |
We also saw the castle ruins and the church at
Slotsbakke the latter dating from the fourteenth century. The Church
had some well preserved fourteenth century wall paintings as well as
the extensively carved pews that we had seen elsewhere. We had
expected to find a cafe en route but that was not to be, indeed we met
very few people and saw only a little activity throughout the 30km.
Wall painting Slotsbakke Church |
On Friday we set sail again and were able to run
before the W wind of F5/6 the 16nm to Rodvig. This is a busy
fishing and ship repair port as well as having a well used yacht
harbour. A German skipper in the next door but one box took
our lines as we edged up to the quay in what were
blustery winds. A little while later we went to connect to the shore
power and discovered that it was a different connector to the
standard. The kind German lent us an adaptor which he had for old
harbours such as these! But as he was leaving the next day we thought
that we would have to move to another box if we stayed longer.
That afternoon we wandered around the adjacent
fishing port and the small town. There were plenty of fish restaurants to we decided it
would be impolite not to patronise them! The next morning we opted to move as
the line of boxes we were in were prone to swell and the boat had
rolled during the previous evening and overnight. It was again a
blustery morning and in manoeuvring out of the box the anchor caught
hard on one of the posts and as the boat was also taken by the wind
somehow the anchor was pushed against the post and fractured in two!
Andrea managed to retrieve the fluke, as it dangled from the line
used to stop it rattling, but that is of little benefit as it clearly
is not fit for purpose! Slightly worrying was whether this was a
structural fault that might have meant it failing under load, which
would not have been desirable. We continued our search for a new box
and found one in the corner of the harbour, quite a tight turn to get
in there, but we did.
We were now alongside a friendly Swedish couple
who, we learnt, were waiting for a replacement part for their engine
cooling system to arrive, their engine having been seriously
overheating because of an impeller failure. We had been looking to
buy postcards for a while and noticed later that our neighbour was
writing some. They had found them in the local supermarket. However
whilst the cost of the cards had been around 8 DKK (about 90p), a
little on the high side, the postage was an extortionate 25 DKK
(about £2.80)! Even the shop assistant had apologised for this!The main interest locally are Stevns Klint, unique
cliffs on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Stevns Klint is claimed to
be the best place anywhere in the world to view the history of when
the dinosaurs and half of Earth’s species were annihilated by an
asteroid 66 million years ago. We decided to cycle there and spent
the morning seeing the exhibition and the cliffs themselves as well
as most of the small church on the edge of the cliffs, part having
fallen over in 1928. The museum also had local history items,
many from the nineteenth century such as old horse drawn fire brigade
appliances, a penny farthing and other early bicycles, various shop
interiors and so on.
View of Stevns Klint and Church (as we passed the next morning) |
A Church was built too close to the cliffs centuries ago and in 1928 part of it toppled over as did some of the cemetry! But it makes a good place from which to view the cliffs although we also walked down a steep flight of stairs to the beach to experience this little bit of historical evidence from below.
We then cycled a further mile to Stevns
Lighthouses. The original one in a low rise building had been
replaced in the late nineteenth century by a 72 metre tower which we
climbed. There is also a disused (since 2011) coastguard station
there. During the Cold war Stevsfort just down the coast was a Danish
and NATO monitoring and defence installation with high tech radar and
ground to air missiles. The Coastguard station had also monitored
the straits observing Warsaw Pact shipping movements. We had a long chat
with a volunteer about the coastguard and the changes in recent years
in both Denmark and the UK.
Early on Sunday morning, before there was too much
wind, we were carefully manoeuvring Whileaway to extricate ourselves
from the box mooring in a very tight corner of the harbour. With
considerable heaving on lines strategically attached to one of the
box posts and careful use of revs (and aided by a light wind) we
motored astern and got out without damage.
Even at 0730 on a Sunday morning many other boats
were also leaving, aiming to make good use of the sunny but breezy
morning. We were soon heading W and then N passing Stevns Klint and
the lighthouse close by on a very pleasant reach with the wind
generally on our beam. It was over 28nm to Dragor, our next port of
call and we sailed right to the port entrance, arriving there at
lunch time.
We were calling into Dragor as, at the end of this
leg, we had arranged to leave Whileaway there whilst we returned to
England for August. Dragor is about 6m S of Copenhagen centre;
importantly the airport is between Dragor and Copenhagen. So once we
had lunch we sought out the Harbour Master and confirmed that we
would be arriving in about 10 days. We also talked to a helpful lady
in the information office who identified the stop where we could
catch the bus to the airport from and also which service we could use
if we wished to get into Copenhagen itself.
We noticed that on this sunny Sunday afternoon
Dragor was buzzing with many people, both Danes and tourists. Maybe
it was because Dragor describes itself as one of the best preserved
maritime towns in Denmark. Yellow washed houses with mostly green
windows, doors and fencing with thatched or red tile roofs are
closely packed into the narrow cobbled streets of the old town.
Dragor - cobbled streets, yellow washed houses (some thatched) and hollyhocks! |
the middle ages large herring catches were landed at Dragor and in
the 1700s it was home to Denmark's second largest commercial fleet.
It has also been the site of Denmark's oldest pilot service for more
than 300 years. So it has character!
The next day we motored across the Oresund which
separates Denmark and Sweden, first running parallel to and then
turning north to pass under Oresund Bridge. Of great interest to us
as we have seen it so many times in that Swedish thriller “The
Bridge” and indeed some other recent Swedish and Danish television
Past the Oresund Bridge |
Our journey was just 12nm, the destination being Malmo, Sweden's third
city. There are a number of large and small marinas and we had opted
for the one of the newest and smallest, Turbinhamnen, which lies
close S of the new “Turning Torso” tower, a prominent part of a
twenty-first century development that replaced disused docks and
shipbuilding yards.
Twisted Torso tower |
We choose to walk into the city and learnt that
it was fairly well spread out! We did eventually find our way past
the castle and into the many shopping streets and saw the attractive
and busy squares, historic churches and other buildings. We learnt
fairly quickly that Swedes are not averse to barging their way
through without a hint of apology; and also that their banks do not
deal with money. If you need that you have to get it from a cash
machine. The latter came to light when we went into a branch of
Swedbank to see if we could change some notes which are due to be
withdrawn next June. After about five minutes of a seemingly confused
conversation with a young member of staff it became clear why they
couldn't help; it was because the bank didn't handle cash except that
being issued through their cash point! I found this difficult to
comprehend and I did say “but you are a bank are you?”. Yes,
definitely a bank and they can deal with all kinds of electronic
payments (mobile pay using your mobile phone is more noticeable in
both Denmark and Sweden than elsewhere) but not receiving or
dispensing cash!
A full day in Malmo was sufficient and next
morning we cast off heading 20 nm N for the island of Ven which is
just inside Swedish waters in the middle of the Oresund. Our Cruising
Association sources said that the main harbour can get busy at
weekends with rafting up required. But this was Tuesday, albeit very
sunny and in the middle of the school holidays. Even so when we
arrived at 1300 we were amazed to enter a very congested harbour with
boats rafted three or even four out. We decided that this wasn't our
cup of tea as if it was busy and congested now it would be worse by
late afternoon. So we rapidly left and started heading NE towards the
main shipping lanes at the N end of the Oresund and after adjusting
our course to avoid a tanker heading S and a container ship N, by
1500 and after 31nm we were moored in the Swedish harbour of
Helsingborg. Helsingborg is just over two miles across the Oresund
from the city of Helsingore in Denmark. Ferries shuttle backwards and
forwards every 15 minutes.
Helsingborg is a modern city but with some
medieval buildings and a castle tower. In the morning we went on a
walking tour of the city centre helpfully following the leaflet
identifying the main buildings and statues of interest.
Helsingborg street with buildings dating from medieval period onwards |
We also found
a fishmonger and then an excellent cheese shop where the proprietor
talked to us about Swedish cheese and of course insisted we sampled
any before we bought. He also talked about English cheeses and we
discovered that Stilton was very popular at Christmas with Swedes and
he sold a huge quantity of that and Red Leicester. He thought that
the English made the best Cheddar cheese so he stocked that all the
year round. He sold us award winning Swedish Blue cheese from a local
producer and it was very good. He also had some excellent very fresh
green olives which again had to be sampled before purchase.
He asked about our plans for the rest of the day
and we said that we were thinking of cycling somewhere. He
recommended Sofiero about 7km along the coast. This is billed as
Sweden's “most beautiful palace and park” originally created in
1865 and open to the public from around 1900 when it ceased to be
available to royalty. The gardens and the park were pleasant but we
have seen much better elsewhere!
Harbourside art Helsingborg |
On Thursday morning we set off after 0900 and
before 1000 we were tying up in a box in Helsingore. During the day
we explored the city centre – more medieval buildings than across
the water – and a much larger town centre. Also a medieval church
with cloisters. There were very many Swedish visitors with wheeled
suitcases who had come across on the ferry to buy alcohol. Sweden has
high taxes on alcohol and most of it is retailed through a state
owned company. We had noticed the previous day that all the (limited
supply) of beer in a small supermarket in Helsingborg was no higher
than 3.3% alcohol!
After lunch in a French bistro (Moule Marinieres –
not as salty of course as traditionally) we went to the impressive
Kronborg Slot (Castle) which dominates the city and the Oresund. It
is famous for being the setting (Elsinore) for Shakespeare's Hamlet
of 1602 and so not surprisingly there is an exhibition of famous
actors who have played in a production of Hamlet here over the last
100 years. Various players also act out short scenes around the
castle courtyard and elsewhere during the summer months.
Kronborg Slot dominates the harbour and the Oresund |
The castle
is UNESCO world heritage listed. It is a very substantial building
the first parts of which were built in 1420. Apart from various rooms
and apartments and the Ballroom (built 1585 the longest in
Scandinavia and where banquets apparently consisted of 65 courses) we
also visited the Casements, chilly low ceilinged dungeons which
stretch under a large area of the castle. These were used as barracks
and storage areas, the soldiers being able to stay there and escape
any bombardments as well as fire on any attackers. A very interesting
tour the only negative part being having to keep out of the way of
the jostling Japanese tour groups!
I had read that Gilleleje, about 12nm to the N was
an old attractive fishing village gradually expanding to take in more
yachts so I thought that worth a visit. However when we arrived about
midday on the Friday it was to discover a harbour already very full!
The reason became apparent a little while later – it was day one of
a two day jazz festival. We rafted up alongside a Swedish boat.
It is certainly true that this is a fishing
harbour with probably the biggest fleet that we had seen in a single
harbour in Denmark.
Just a small part of the fishing fleet |
There are older thatched buildings and a few
attractive streets but the town has quite a lot of modern
development. There is a busy shopping street and also many stores, including an excellent fishmonger, around the harbour.
Think that we will stick to the Bromptons on the boat! |
As this was also the fourth day of sunshine and the
temperature was now in the mid-20s the town and adjacent beaches were
very busy. However we were in ringside position to listen to the jazz
throughout the evening; and of course we were able to buy smoked fish
for our meal.
A sailor on a Swedish yacht next to us asked if we
has visited Molle in Sweden. He said that it was worth visiting, a
small harbour close to the end of the peninsular north of Malmo. Get
there by noon he suggested. It was only about 11nm across the Oresund
from Gilleleje and we left around 0830 and for over an hour had a
pleasant close reach sail before the wind died. Arriving at the
harbour we discovered how small it was but we managed to get
alongside the quay. By early afternoon we had four boats rafted
outside us as did our only other neighbours on the short quay. Immediately alongside
us were a Swedish family who were based in the Archipelago (on the E
coast around Stockholm). I had a useful chat with them about when
high season was for that area. I had already learnt that schools in Sweden have only limited holidays around Christmas and Easter but
that schools are usually closed in June and July. The advice we had
from this sailor was that in June as the sea was still a little
chilly, the tempo was slow to pick up. July was very busy but in
early August it became much quieter and the sea was still warm. So
if, as planned, we go that way next year we will be at home in July
and away from early August again.. This was the warmest day of our
Baltic trip with the temperature around 27C. This is a small village
but apparently full of holiday homes. On a sunny Saturday there were
plenty of holiday makers around the harbour and on the nearby
Molle harbour from the top of the hill |
In the afternoon we took the cliff walk
alongside the coast which took us through woods, scrubland with sheep
and alongside a golf course to the end of the peninsular at Kullaberg
where there is also a lighthouse. This whole area from just outside
Molle is a nature reserve and thus protected from development, with
of course excellent views. Some of the footpath was quite difficult
terrain but we felt that the three hour walk was a good workout as
well as offering interesting views.
We had advised the boats that tied up outside of
us that we wished to leave at 0900 on Sunday morning. So around then
boats started slipping their moorings and we were soon underway. It
was another sunny morning with blue sky and a flat sea with very
little wind so with the other yachts we were motoring S losing about
1 knot to the prevailing current in the Oresund. Our plan was to see
if the island of Ven was less crowded than when we called in about 5
days previously but if not to head for the nearby Swedish port of
Landskrona. We weren't surprised to find Ven still busy and not being
keen on another busy harbour we went on a further 5nm (32nm in all)
to Landskrona. This town has some commercial docks as well as the
ferry to Ven and is easy to spot as there are half a dozen wind
turbines on an island just to the south of the buoyed channel
entrance. After a sailing club there is a very small marina (well
just three pontoons really) fringed by some new flats on one side and
old converted warehouses on the other; and there was plenty of space.
Whileaway in the harbour at Landskrona |
This is clearly a working town but with wide cobbled streets and some
impressive historical buildings. But in addition signs of some
economic decline with empty shops and areas awaiting redevelopment.
In addition there was a fine Citadel which we walked around as well
as an artificial beach and areas where people could swim in the sea.
We also saw electric trolley buses (the signage claiming that it was
running off 100% renewable electricity) and buses that were running,
so they said, off biogas.
The Citadel |
The following day we motored 15nm across the
Oresund to Copenhagen having decided to stay at the sailing club that
runs Margretheholm marina. This marina is not in the most attractive
location, being close to the major power plant for the city, but it
did have a good access, space and, as we were to learn, an
interesting walk or cycle into the city.
On the Monday we decided to walk to the city and
this gave us the opportunity to see many of the city centre sights.
Apart from the extensive waterside these included the new (just
opened in 2016) pedestrian/cycle opening bridge Inderhavnsbroen; the
picturesque Nyhavn, Hotel d'Angleterre; Parliament; Stock Exchange;
Law Courts; Stroget (the main shopping street); the oldest street in
Copenhagen; Paper Island with its street food outlets; old military
bases now converted to offices or residential; and many canals
reminiscent (but on a smaller scale) of Amsterdam!
Nyhavn |
The following day
we made use of Copenhagen's excellent cycle paths and went to
Christiania (the 1970's created commune on redundant government
land); both sides of the main canal; the cycling snake taking you
between buildings at a higher level; the Torve Hallerne kbh food
market (where we had a very nice lunch); Botanical Gardens;
Amalienborgslot (home of the current queen); and the Little Mermaid
(of course, but over rated perhaps). Most memorably we visited Vor
Frelsers Kirke (Our Saviours Church) built in the seventeenth century
and with a striking interior. But more striking was our decision to
climb the 95 metre bell tower, 400 steps, the last 150 spiralling up
outside the tower giving you about five 360 degree views as you wind
your way round. The steps narrow to the point where they disappear at
the very top! So there you are, squeezed between the tower and a
narrow railing but with sensational views across the city.
The city from Vor Frelsers Kirke |
Unfortunately a German lady half way up the last 150 steps couldn't
cope any more and was clinging to the tower with her eyes shut! We
did manage to get down again just before noon and the bells and the
carillon sprang into life. We have been up quite a few high buildings
including other cathedral and church towers, lighthouses etc but none have quite equated to this.
Close up of Vor Frelsers Kirke spiral tower |
On Wednesday the sky was overcast for our short
8nm journey S along the coast, under the airport flight path
returning to the harbour at Dragor. We are leaving the boat here
until early September and we found the space that had been reserved
for us. At a cost of under £13 per day (usual daily rate around £18)
this is good value for money. As a comparison it is a little less
than a summer berth on the west coast of France and a lot less than
on the south coast of England where it would cost at least £25 - £30
pd (£17 - £20 average cost if you have an annual contract).In
addition Dragor is only 15 minutes by bus from Copenhagen Airport
from where we fly to Bristol on Friday evening.
Looking back on the last five weeks we have
covered just under 400nm, making our total so far this year just over
850nm. From Amsterdam, through the Markermeer and the Ijsselmeer and
then the North Holland Canal to Delfzijl. Then out to the German East
Frisian Islands, Norderney and Wangerooge, down the River Elbe and
then the Kiel Canal and into the Baltic Sea. We visited some German
ports, including Fehmarn Island and then our first port of call in
Denmark was Bagenkop on the island of Langeland. From there we
visited the islands of Aero, Fyn, Agerso, Femo and lastly Sjaelland,
including Copenhagen. We have also visited some ports on the Swedish
W coast including Malmo. When we return in September we plan to head
S again as we will be finishing at Fehmarn where we will be leaving
Whileaway for the winter.